La Promenade - WOWid
とある部屋の中。 小さなブタが目覚めたのをきっかけに外に憧れを抱いた動物たちの冒険が始まります。 少しずつコマ撮りした実写の背景に、CGで作った動物たちを合成。 これまでのWOWになかった女性らしく、かわいらしい温かみのある映像を目指しました。 ささやかだけれど何度も観たくなってしまう、そんな作品に仕上がったと思います。
This here is our favorite place Sneaking out from where we usually belong Today is a day for a little adventure In a room. Triggered by the awakening of a little pig, an adventure begins for the animals who are curious about the outside world. The CG rendered animals are in combination with the detailed stop-motion photographic background. I aimed for a work that would be new to WOW, with a feminine, cute, and warm atmosphere. I believe the finished work has a simplicity, which tempts one to watch it time and again.